Impact of Private Capital on Economic Development & SDGs
In this module, we will focus on private capital as a powerful force for development. We will explore private capital’s role in delivering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and discover how the SDGs can be implemented in a private capital fund.
This module focuses on corporate governance and explains how it relates to the fund management process. We will define corporate governance and describe the value of good governance for business.
Fund Manager Compensation
This module explores alignment and incentives in private capital funds. We will start by discussing the need for alignment and incentives, including its role in principal-agent relationships. We will then analyse the key pillars of alignment and incentives – personal and team motivation, GP commitment, carried interest, management fees and remuneration.
Human Capital Development
When investing in companies, we need to first invest in human capital. In other words, we need to invest in the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an individual and a team. This course explores how to navigate this and assure you have invested well in your team.
Valuations of Private Capital Portfolio Companies
This module explores the importance of valuation and details the steps of how to value assets accurately. The valuation process and procedures are described, focusing on three different valuation approaches which include the market approach, the income approach, and the cost approach. The valuation standards and principles which inform the valuation process are also discussed.
Portfolio Monitoring & Reporting
This module examines the ideal portfolio management approach designed to ensure the highest possible performance of portfolio companies. Monitoring and risk management is described, and different exit strategies are analysed. You will also learn how to interpret performance measurements and report to investors.
This module will provide an overview for global limited partners to understand portfolio construction and asset allocation. We will engage in content pertaining to diversification and private capital, including the ways to invest in private capital. Lastly, we will discuss how to establish a portfolio construction strategy.
In this module we will learn about the due diligence of funds, starting with explaining the need for due diligence. We will then explore the key elements and processes involved in performing due diligence.
We will highlight some red flags to look out for when doing due diligence on funds and conclude by providing useful due diligence tools.
In this module, we will focus on the governing bodies who oversee the governance of a fund. We will investigate the relationships between each of these governing bodies and study their respective roles and responsibilities.
We will investigate a case study to apply our decision-making based on good fund governance practice.