Unlocking domestic capital allocation through targeted capacity building for African Institutional Investors.

AVCA's Knowledge Exchange Initiative (KEI) is a 12-month programme that exclusively supports African institutional investors with the foundational knowledge of the private capital asset class, practical skills, insights and access to peer investor expertise to navigate risks and rewards of allocation and confidently allocate to Africa-focused fund managers.

Harnessing the best of AVCA’s extensive network, advanced private capital resources and integrated learning platforms; KEI will play an instrumental role in mobilising the African institutional capital base for the asset class across the continent.

The Initiative comprises separate programmes across multiple African countries with the maiden programme launching in Ghana in October 2024, targeting local pension funds. Information about the Knowledge Exchange Initiative for Southern Africa will be shared soon.

Why enrol in AVCA’s Knowledge Exchange Initiative?

Over the 12-month programme, KEI delegates will benefit from:

Hands-on support and peer-to-peer learning through advisor matchmaking. 

Specialised sessions delivered by subject matter experts. 

Access to comprehensive resources including AVCA e-learning modules and African private capital data.

Customised AVCA Private Capital Foundation Masterclass delivered in-person and tailored to the local context.

Knowledge Exchange Initiative – Ghana