The Spotlight on West Africa Private Equity provides a summary of recent private equity transactions and exits in the region between 2010 and 2016 H1. Our findings reveal that 249 PE deals were completed in West Africa, with a combined value of US$5.4bn.
Between2010and2016H1,therewere249 reported PE deals in West Africa totalling US$5.4bn
WestAfricaaccountedforthesinglegreatest share of PE deals completed in Africa by number (26%) over the period 2010-2016 H1. Its share of the total reported value of
PE deals was 24% over the same period
PEintheregion,accountingfor68%ofdeal volume and 93% of reported deal value from 2010-2016 H1
Overall,therewere83PEexitsinWestAfrica from 2010 - 2016 H1. Nigeria accounted
for the greatest share (42%) of PE exits by number, followed by Ghana (17%) and Ivory Coast (14%)