Research & Publications
31 October 2017
AVCA 2017 Annual Limited Partner Survey
AVCA is delighted to present the fourth edition of the AVCA Limited Partner (LP) Survey, which examines global investor views about private equity in Africa and return expectations in an evolving industry. Given the evolving global geopolitical landscape, it is more important than ever to undertake investor outreach in order to identify consensus views that will impact our industry. This year’s report finds that despite its challenges, LPs continue to see the appeal of African private equity.
Research & Publications
5 April 2017
PE Exits in Africa 2017
AVCA is pleased to announce the publication of the 2017 Exit Study, How private equity investors create value. Presented by EY and AVCA, the study examines PE exits between 2007–16 using data drawn from both public sources and confidential interviews with former PE owners of exited businesses.
Research & Publications
28 February 2017
2016 Annual African Private Equity Data Tracker 
The 2016 Annual African Private Equity Data Tracker draws on data from AVCA’s proprietary private equity (PE) database and provides insights into key trends in PE investment and fundraising in Africa from 2011 – 2016. Our findings show that deal activity in Africa continues to be strong even in an increasingly volatile global economic environment.