Research & Publications
29 May 2024
Q1 2024 Private Capital Activity in Africa
This series offers an overview of Africa's Private Capital Activity, with this report highlighting key trends in investments, exits, and fundraising observed during the first quarter of 2024.
Research & Publications
31 March 2024
2023 African Private Captial Activity Report
The report provides analysis on the latest trends of fundraising, investments, and exits within African Private Capital Activity in Africa, shedding light on the recent developments that took place during 2023. 
Research & Publications
12 September 2023
A Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Sandboxes and Payment Service Providers
Research & Publications
7 August 2023
2023 Q1-Q2 Private Capital Activity in Africa
The report offers a comprehensive overview of the African Private Capital Activity in in a global context, shedding light on the recent developments that took place during an eventful first half of 2023.
Research & Publications
23 May 2023
Climate Financing in Africa: Strategies for the Future
We are delighted to present Climate Financing in Africa: Strategies for the Future: a joint report by the African Private Capital Association (AVCA) in partnership with the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI).
Research & Publications
26 April 2023
2022 African Private Capital Activity Report
This report provides an analysis on the latest trends of fundraising, investments, and exits unfolding across the continent in 2022.
Research & Publications
29 September 2022
2022 H1 African Venture Capital Activity Report
In the report we present an overview of the African venture capital ecosystem, spotlighting the latest global trends and development during the highly eventful start to the year for Africa’s innovation ecosystem.
Research & Publications
29 September 2022
2022 H1 African Private Capital Report
In this report we present an analysis on the latest trends of fundraising, dealmaking & exits unfolding across the continent from January to September 2022.
Research & Publications
7 October 2021
2021 H1 African Private Equity Data Tracker
A provisional look at 2021 half-year private equity activity in Africa, including funds, deals and exits.
Research & Publications
29 March 2021
2020 Annual African PE Data Tracker
We are pleased to present the AVCA Annual African Private Equity Data Tracker; a report showcasing 2020's African private equity fundraising, deals, and exits trends. This report also features regional spotlights and investment case studies.
Research & Publications
28 September 2017
2017 H1 African Private Equity Data Tracker 
AVCA’s 2017 H1 African Private Equity (PE) Data Tracker provides a provisional look at half year PE activity in Africa. PE deals remained targeted in consumer-driven sectors in 2017 H1. Consumer Staples (including investments in the African packaged food industry) saw a rise relative to 2016. Telecoms and Materials also showed an increase in terms of deal values as a result of a handful of large transactions in the first half of 2017.
Research & Publications
5 April 2017
PE Exits in Africa 2017
AVCA is pleased to announce the publication of the 2017 Exit Study, How private equity investors create value. Presented by EY and AVCA, the study examines PE exits between 2007–16 using data drawn from both public sources and confidential interviews with former PE owners of exited businesses.
Research & Publications
4 April 2017
2017 Africa Sustainability Study: ESG, Job Creation and Job Quality 
AVCA is pleased to announce the release of the second edition of the Africa Sustainability Study. The 2017 edition evaluates private equity’s contribution to and implementation of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards, job creation, and job quality improvements in Africa.
Research & Publications
28 February 2017
2016 Annual African Private Equity Data Tracker 
The 2016 Annual African Private Equity Data Tracker draws on data from AVCA’s proprietary private equity (PE) database and provides insights into key trends in PE investment and fundraising in Africa from 2011 – 2016. Our findings show that deal activity in Africa continues to be strong even in an increasingly volatile global economic environment.
Research & Publications
29 September 2016
2016 H1 Annual African Private Equity Data Tracker 
AVCA is delighted to release the inaugural 2016 H1 African Private Equity (PE) Data Tracker. The report provides insights into key trends in PE investment and fundraising in Africa from 2010-2016 H1. Our findings show that deal activity and fundraising in Africa remain resilient.
Research & Publications
27 April 2016
PE Exits in Africa 2016
AVCA is pleased to announce the publication of the 2016 exit study, How private equity investors create value. Presented by EY and AVCA, the study examines PE exits between 2007–15 using data drawn from both public sources and confidential interviews with former PE owners of exited businesses.
Research & Publications
2 April 2016
Africa Sustainability Study: Job Creation
AVCA is pleased to announce the release of the inaugural Africa Sustainability Study: Job Creation. The study highlights the impact of Africa’s private equity industry on the development of the African continent by quantifying job creation in private equity-backed companies.
Research & Publications
1 February 2016
Annual African Private Equity Data Tracker
The Annual African Private Equity Data Tracker draws on data from AVCA’s proprietary private equity (PE) database and provides insights into key trends in PE investment and fundraising in Africa from 2010 – 2015. Our findings show that deal activity in Africa continues to be strong even in an increasingly volatile global economic environment.
Research & Publications
29 April 2015
PE Exits in Africa 2014
The update to the 2013 AVCA and EY’s study Broadening horizons: how do private equity investors create value? highlights a strengthening market for private equity exits in Africa. Private equity firms exited 40 companies between 1 January and 31 December 2014, a 38% increase from 29 exits in 2013.
Research & Publications
1 February 2015
AVCA African Private Equity Data Tracker
The African Private Equity Data Tracker draws on data from AVCA’s proprietary private equity (PE) database and provides insights into key trends in PE investment and fundraising in Africa from 2007 – 2014. Our findings show that deal activity on the Continent remains strong with US$8.1bn worth of deals completed in 2014 - the second highest on record.
Research & Publications
24 April 2014
Broadening Horizons: How do Private Equity Investors Create Value?
This is the second of our annual studies of how private equity (PE) investors create value in Africa. In our inaugural report, we countered popular opinion about PE in Africa to prove that the industry was making excellent progress in exiting its portfolio companies. We also provided evidence of genuine value creation by PE firms in the region through hands-on involvement in the companies they back.
Research & Publications
23 April 2013
Harvesting growth: How do PE Investors Create Value?
This joint research piece, looking at value creation through exit deals across Africa, provides an answer to the commonly asked question “are there exits in Africa?” The continent’s stock markets, other than the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, are still very small and relatively illiquid, and the intermediary networks remain far from complete across the region. As a result, a widely held perception is that exits are hard to achieve and that therefore they are few in number. However, our analysis points to a higher level of exit activity than might be expected.
Research & Publications
1 August 2012
The Private Equity Climate in Africa: Embracing The Lion
Often referred to as the ‘final frontier’ market by private equity investors, Africa is showing signs of promise due to its rapidly improving economic environment, favorable demographics and growing private sector business activities. Investors who are diligent in their research of investment opportunities have been able to realize outsized returns while minimizing perceived risks. Opportunities exist across the continent, which has been largely overshadowed as an emerging markets private equity destination by hot BRIC markets.