Impact of Private Capital on Economic Development & SDGs


Course Overview

In this module, we will focus on private capital as a powerful force for development. We will explore private capital’s role in delivering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and discover how the SDGs can be implemented in a private capital fund.

The value of digital innovations in transformation will be discussed along with the development impact of venture capital investments.


AVCA Member Rate: £120

Non-AVCA Member Rate: £200


Key Takeaways

  • Discuss motivations for investing in private capital in Emerging Markets.

  • Describe the role of private capital in achieving the SDGs.

  • Describe ways in which private capital investing is a powerful force for development.

  • Analyse the value of digital innovations in development and transformation.

Meet the facilitators

Hany Assaad
Hany Assaad

Chairman (Avanz Capital Egypt)

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